The days are getting longer and the weather's warming up. It's that time of year again for WUNC's Back Porch Music On The Lawn.
The free outdoor concerts, an annual Triangle tradition, are held beneath the Lucky Strike water tower at American Tobacco Campus in Durham.
We've got eight great shows for your spring and summer Thursday evenings. All shows begin at 6 p.m.
Picnics, coolers (no glass) and dogs are welcomed. Food, beer, and wine are also available for purchase. One change from last year: event parking in the lots at American Tobacco now costs $6.00.
Scroll down for driving directions and map.

2017 Schedule
Thursday, May 11 – Front Country with Demolition String Band
Front Country is a new acoustic band born out of the Bay Area tech scene. Progressive bluegrass played with grit and soul - think Punch Brothers meet King Crimson. The Demolition String Band opens the show with danceable songs of joy, heartache, despair and redemption. Listen to their April 2017 profile on NPR's All Things Considered.

Thursday, May 25 – Tellico with Skylar Gudasz
Asheville’s Tellico combine great singers and instrumental prowess to tell rich stories rooted in Appalachia. Songwriter Skylar Gudasz opens with dreamy songs from her critically acclaimed debut CD.

Thursday, June 15 – Jim Lauderdale with Fireside Collective
Jim Lauderdale is an N.C. native and two-time Grammy Award winning songwriter who has returned to his roots and is touring again with a bluegrass ensemble. Asheville’s Fireside Collective open the show with a progressive folk sound.

Thursday, June 29 – Alice Gerrard & The Piedmont Melody Makers with Onyx Club Boys
Durham’s Alice Gerrard is an icon in American folk music. With haunting vocals and a stellar band she turns old American songs into something fresh and new. The show opens with gypsy jazz from the Onyx Club Boys.

How to get to American Tobacco and the BPM Concerts:

Thursday, August 3 – Rob Ickes and Trey Hensley with Acoustic Manner
Rob Ickes and Trey Hensley enchant audiences and break hearts with their jaw dropping instrumental chops and vivid songwriting. Acoustic Manner opens the show with a sophisticated, high energy brand of American folk music.

Thursday, August 17 – Acoustic Syndicate
Acoustic Syndicate is an institution in American Music. Their use of traditional instruments and a rock sensibility inspired generations of musicians from the roots-music scene.

Thursday, August 31 – Seldom Scene with Cicada Rhythm
With more than four decades behind them, The Seldom Scene is the quintessential bluegrass band. Tight harmonies, hot licks and good humor keep the show moving. The songwriting duo Cicada Rhythm open the show.

Thursday, September 14 – Billy Strings with Whiskey Shivers
The season closes with a guitar hero Billy Strings and his band of bluegrass all stars. Tight harmonies meet raging guitar solos for an energetic show. The crowd-pleasing, goodtime band Whiskey Shivers opens.