A group of Duke University undergraduates decided to fulfill the requirements for a group project by asking their peers on campus, "Who needs feminism?" To their surprise, the world answered them. Their project’s Tumblr blog has received more than 80,000 visits from 144 countries and 11,000 people have "liked" their page on Facebook. The project would not have reached an international audience had it not been for social media. What are the possibilities and limitations that this new platform opens up for feminism? And now that they've gathered all of this momentum, what is next for them and the feminist movement? Host Frank Stasio is joined by Ashley Tsai and Catharine Kappauf, undergraduates at Duke; Rachel Seidman, adjunct lecturer at Duke and associate director of the Southern Oral History Program; Ranjana Khanna, a Duke professor and director of the Women’s Studies department; and Lisa Levenstein, an associate professor of history at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Listener Call-in.
Who Needs Feminism?