Seeds play a prominent role in global agriculture and food supply systems.
In North Carolina, citizens and scientists believe the power of seeds can be revolutionary. Research Triangle Park is becoming a national leader in seed science, punctuated by a recent announcement that Bayer CropScience will continue to expand its plant biotechnology operations in the Triangle.
Seeds are living history, they have to be regrown-NC Tomato Man Craig LeHoullier
At the same time, passionate supporters of community agriculture are finding ways to revive, preserve, and share seeds to boost our local economy and food system. Durham County Library recently launched a seed-lending program that encourages patrons to plant and preserve seeds and document their stories.
Host Frank Stasio talks with Lauren Ohnesorge, Triangle Business Journal reporter; Craig LeHoullier, a seed saver and heirloom expert known as the North Carolina Tomato Man; Ben Filippo, food systems coordinator for the Carolina Farm Stewardship Association; and Alice Sharpe, development officer for the Durham County Library.