Howard Craft created The Jade City Pharaoh. The superhero guards Concrete Falls, a place not unlike Durham, North Carolina. The Jade City Pharaoh has been…
Jade City Pharaoh is a radio drama, the first such enterprise to star an African-American superhero.Episode 1, Hard to Kill: At the end of season 1, our…
In today's episode, Herald Jones is hoping to relax after busting a violent band of radical patriots. Alas, he will face once again the merciless cyborg…
Last week, crime-fighting took a back seat to Herald's troubled love life. Now that he's revealed his secret identity to Belinda Goodall, the Pharaoh is…
Things aren't going well between Malik Frasier and the woman he loves. Belinda Goodall has been stood up once too often. But she doesn't know that our…
As a crime fighter, Herald Jones knows not every moment of a heroes life is filled with adventure. Sometimes he has to run errands just like the rest of…
In our last episode, you might remember, our hero chased The Beef Cooka and his driver to a fiery crash at a police roadblock. But somehow, the wily Beef…
We left our hero in the hospital, recovering from a brutal attack by his arch nemesis, The Beef Cooka. Though he survived, the Pharaoh fakes his death in…
Jade City Pharaoah is a radio drama, the first such enterprise to star an African-American superhero.At the end of season 1, our hero Herald M.F. Jones…
Jade City Pharaoh was born of the imagination of playwright Howard Craft. Originally constructed as a community play for the Little Green Pig Theatrical…