The natural gas extraction process called hydraulic fracturing, also known as fracking, has been a source of debate and contention in the state for quite some time now. It involves drilling horizontally through thousands of feet of shale and blasting the shale with water, sand and chemicals to release natural gas. Several states allow the process, some are in the process of figuring out how to regulate it, and some, like New York, have placed a moratorium on the process due to environmental concerns.
Many supporters in North Carolina argue that fracking is the solution to our energy crisis, but people who take issue with fracking argue that it raises numerous environmental and health issues.
Today, on The State of Things, host Frank Stasio spoke with a local panel about the many dimensions of fracking in North Carolina. The panel included:
- Richard Ziglar, an independent reporter and producer who produced the series, “Fracking North Carolina," for WUNC's Morning Edition.
- Ryke Longest, a clinical professor and director of the Environmental Law and Policy Clinic at Duke Law.
- Vikram Rao, the executive director of Research Triangle Energy Consortium and former chief technology officer at Halliburton. He is also the chair of the Mining and Energy Commission.
- Elaine Chiosso, the Haw Riverkeeper and the executive director of the Haw River Assembly.